Aquatherm 1090050056 1 1/2" Polypropylene Union Ball Valve With EPDM O-ring
All Aquatherm piping products are made from the same reliable polypropylene material and are engineered to be heat fused together. Since pipes and fittings come in sizes ranging from ½” to 24” in diameter, the fusion process, equipment required and installation time will vary, but the principles of heat fusion remain the same.
There is a robust catalog of polypropylene pipe fittings and parts available to make designing and installing PP-R and PP-RCT piping easy. aquatherm pipes and fittings are made from polypropylene and designed for heat fusion. When properly executed, fusion joining provides a connection that is stronger than the pipe itself.
aquatherm also offers a wide range of specialty piping parts. Transitions, such as brass and steel threaded pipe fittings, flange adaptors, PEX adapters and copper stub outs, make it easy to integrate aquatherm piping with other systems.