The Taco 009-IFC with Integral Flow Check (IFC) is designed to reduce installation costs when zoning with 00 circulators on a wide range of residential and light commercial higher-head/lower-flow water circulating applications. Typical uses include hydronic heating, radiant in-floor/panel heating and closed-loop solar heating systems. The Stainless Steel 009-IFC can be used in higher-head/lower-flow heat recovery, open-loop solar heating and light commercial domestic water recirculation systems. The unique replaceable cartridge contains all of the moving parts and allows for easy service instead of replacing the entire circulator
- Integral Flow Check (IFC®)
Prevents gravity flow
Eliminates separate in-line flow check
Reduces installed cost, easy to service
Improved performance vs. In-line flow checks - Optional Priority Zoning control
- Unique replaceable cartridge-Field serviceable
- Unmatched reliability-Maintenance free
- Quiet, efficient operation
- Direct drive - Low power consumption
- Self lubricating, No mechanical seal
- Standard high capacity output - Compact design
- Wide range of applications
- Flanged connections