Lightweight yet rugged, the Tyco Model WMA-1 water motor alarm is a hydraulically operated outdoor alarm designed for use with fire protection system waterflow-detection valves. It can easily be mounted to any type of rigid wall. It can be used in conjunction with alarm check, dry pipe, deluge, and preaction valves to sound a local alarm.
- Supplied by dedicated outlet in valve trim line or retard chamber
- Corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy gong, gong-mount, and water motor housing
- Must be mounted to a rigid wall surface
- Furnished with approved ¾-inch Y-strainer for use in alarm line
- UL and C-UL Listed; FM, VdS Approved, and LPCB Approved
- Uses energy-efficient lightweight impeller design capable of producing a very high sound level
- Polymer bearings do not require lubrication
- Can accommodate range of wall thicknesses from 2 to 18 inches
- Intended for use with appropriate fire protection system valves (alarm, dry, deluge)
Gong Finish: Red
Sizes: ¾ inch (20 mm)
Listings and Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed; FM, VdS Approved, and LPCB Approved
Nozzle K-factor: 0.7 gpm/psi ½ (10,1 Lpm/bar½)
Trim Component Materials: Galvanized steel nipples and cast iron fittings
Pressure Rating: 300 psi