Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Residential Water Heaters

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Residential Water Heaters

No water heater lasts forever. The older a heater is, the more often it will break down and cause problems for the home it’s meant to heat. When the time comes to buy a new residential water heater to replace the old one, avoid these mistakes as you shop. Choose a heater that will fit the residence well and provide lasting comfort without putting strain on energy bills.

Buying an Oversized Unit

Bigger isn’t always better when it comes to home water heating. A massive water heater can place undue strain on the plumbing infrastructure of the home, as well as on future energy bills. Heating more water than the home needs is a waste of energy and money!

Ignoring Energy Efficiency

Many people tend to gloss over energy-efficient home water heaters due to their higher upfront costs. However, they’re an investment in the home’s future efficiency! Look past the slightly higher price tag and think of the money you will save on energy bills in the future.

Choosing the Cheapest Option

If you’re shopping for water heaters online, you may be tempted to sort the products by price, from lowest to highest. But the price tag isn’t the only factor at play! That economy water heater may be the wrong size for the home, made of low-quality materials, or remarkably inefficient in terms of energy usage. Resist the urge to buy the cheapest heater you see, and read all technical specs carefully before making a purchase.

Shopping Too Quickly

Though shopping for water heaters can be a tedious process, don’t be over-eager to get in and get out. Take the time to compare similar models! When you shop online, you have the time and flexibility to narrow down your options and compare pricing and technical specs.

Next time you need to buy a residential water heater, take the time to look at all your options. Avoid these mistakes as you choose between models, and choose a heater that will provide the best possible service to the home.

Nov 11th 2022

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